29 December 2007


So we all know I am completely insane. I was cleaning up after coming back to NYC and found something I did during finals week while I wasn't studying.

Have fun, figure it out.
I added some stuff when i was re-writing it for the internet. I have it on paper and copied it for posting purposes. Because I am on vacation and have time to waste thats why.

Now to pop Guitar Hero III's cherry.


16 December 2007

As this semester comes to a close...

I'm totally slacking off. I've done two torts hypos today. I'm thinking about doing one more before I pack it in for the night and finish reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for the 2nd time. No, I was not a heinous blubbering mess this time around, but I did get misty eyed during the deaths. I almost had the single emo tear for Fred though (and if you don't already know what happens, go fuck yourself. Its been almost 5 months and if you truly cared, you would have already read the book).

Aside from that, I feel like I should work through another torts problem. I've just been outlining my answers, not writing full blown essays, and I've been pretty spot on in most places. I left one or two things out of the second one I did because we didn't cover intentional torts, which this question asked about, and I neglected to say NONFEASANCE because i kind of assumed it was included in my use of Duty to Control and Duty to Protect which are exceptions to the no duty under nonfeasance rule, but Levine wants us to say those things, so I might as well oblige.

Well, i think I'll go play some guitar hero, work through another problem, eat a snack, then finish up HP and go to sleep.

Done in 2
Fish in 3
Home in 5-6

10 December 2007

1 down

2 to go.

My contracts final went swimmingly today - I totally kicked ass. My damages questions had some slightly funky math, but I think I got MOST of the points. YES!

I get to chill out, play some guitar hero, maybe read some Harry Potter. Then its time to study for Civil Procedure. Its totally like taking my O.W.L.s. Yeah, I just, as a 22-year-old law student, equated my final exams to a fictional test in a children's book series, wanna fight about it?

yeah, i didnt think so.


i mean, would you expect any less of me??

i totally treated myself to mcdonalds today too. i feel like a happy fatty.

i also want to knitknitknit the scarf i posted about yesterday. I want to finish it before the week is over so i can bust out the backer for it... if i was lazy, and i might just be, i may wander on down to canal street and buy some fleece for the backer, which would be the titties. super warm scarf!

time for 5 stars on Stop as made famous by Jane's Addiction on HARD, then some ass kicking on EXPERT on some of the earlier songs, then moving on to some insanely hard songs on HARD...

or i could watch any of the movies i downloaded yesterday and knit for two hours... this latter option seems more appealing, since it will frustrate me much much less...

09 December 2007

Holy Shit!! Look at What I Learned to Do Today While Studying for Contracts

Whoa! I can knit argyle now. If I was to be crazy (i mean crazier), i could have knitted in those little dashy lines that are supposed to be there, but im going to add it in with a duplicate stitch when its all done, just because its going to be MUCH MUCH EASIER than trying to knit 1-3 tiny stitches every other row in intarsia.

yay!! I think i may almost be ready to move onto much more difficult pattern knitting... such as ron weasley's animal cracker hat from PoA - the Movie.

I need to knit a back for this scarf though, its a little too thin to be effective and i dont want to risk snagging any of the little crossover pieces and bust up the pattern...

PS: a very VERY special person is getting this for christmas. but i wont say who, but they deserve something this awesome.


I entered a contest at deviantArt. They were asking for submissions for their Sweeney Todd Movie Poster contest... so i made one...

First prize is a wireless bluetooth wacom tablet. then some iPod, then a wireless mouse.

08 December 2007

The Movie Game!

Yay, so here's the idea: I started this a little while ago but stopped for some reason. Six degreesing all of my movies, updated as the day goes on... and into the future!!

Movie Title - Actor Link(s) to Next Movie
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy - Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story - Gary Cole, Stephen Root
Office Space - Diedrich Bader
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - George Carlin
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure - Keanu Reeves
The Matrix - Hugo Weaving
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - Ian McKellen
X2: X-Men United - Brian Cox
The Ring - Naomi Watts
I <3 Huckabees - Jason Schwartzman

I'm about to hit a wall with the connections i think... I'm not sure where to go after x2. I'm sure ill think of something tomorrow...

On a shitty note reading contracts is giving me ulcers, im on the verge of a panic attack and fuckin tears if i read it for an hour straight... but once i stop and do something awesome, like update this blog, watch some of my movie, or eat i feel like a thousand times better, except for when i realize that i am wasting time not studying, then the panic and anxiety settles back in and i have to get back to studying and the anxiety only increases until i stop again and the sick cycle repeats itself.

fuckin finals week sucks my ass. i need it to be December 18th at 10pm so i can go and play fuckin risk and get obliterated with don.

enough of this jibba-jabba i need to continue to be productive...

07 December 2007




that is all.

see you in like four million years

28 November 2007

The Dinner Party

I'm having a mini, yet awesome, dinner party tomorrow for myself, don, emily, and eric. I really want to make a very delectable meal, but i cant make it for just myself! So i decided to treat the 3 people who have been taking care of my mental health for the last few months. Our Menu is as follows:

Caprese Salad
Lemony Fettuccine Alfredo with Asparagus
Oven-Fried Chicken
Golden Delicious Apple Pie

im quite excited at this prospect, considering i also acquired a few new additions to my kitchen:

A Knife set (FINALLY - it even came with 12 steak knives)
Dishes and Bowls (they are gorgeous stoneware - black outside and purple inside and the set came with 4 matching mugs)
Flatware (straight up awesome, no detail, just smoothness)
A cutting board that is the EXACT width of my small counter

although, obtaining these items was an ordeal. I went to Kmart with the intention of getting Custard Cups (the original idea for dessert was Lava Baby Cakes) and getting place settings and such if they were cheap. Well, the dishes were only $14 for settings for four (Dinner Plates, Dessert Plates, Bowls, Mugs) and so were the knives. The flatware was 10 and the cutting board was too, but i was ok with that considering it was the Martha Stewart Collection and the Kmart brand didn't make a wooden cutting board and i wasn't going to get a plastic one. So i get all my stuff (clearly, no custard cups since the dessert is Apple Pie) and walk back home. I get home, unpack all of my awesomeness to discover, much to my chagrin, that the dinner plates are all broken. After much hemming and hawing, and speaking with the Baron von Fishenstein, i went back to kmart to exchange the set. I thought it was gonna be a slight pain, but it was not AND i got the last set of purple/black dishes in the store. So i counted myself lucky.

all i need now are wine glasses (red AND white), a colander, and a complete spice kit and ill be totally set.

tomorrow, after i get out of class, I have to go buy everything for dinner and clean up the apartment and figure out how to get 4 people to eat in my little kitchen. im going to have to steal svets chair i think. needless to say, this is going to be a lavish evening where my friends will be spoiled rotten by my desire to play mommy. i cant wait!

then on friday, im going with to lunch with Professor Haas with Kyle and Jeff. Im positively swoooooning.

peace. love. penguin.
much heart.

25 November 2007

Woah! Movies!

Today I watched:
Grindhouse (Planet Terror THEN Death Proof)

I still plan on watching/am watching now:
Kill Bill (vol. 1 & 2)
Sin City

I really REALLY wish I had Pulp Fiction and Desperado, just for continuity sake. These six movies are all 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon and shit. Aside from Tarantino/Rodriguez connections, obvi. I mean 300 is a movie adaptation of a Frank Miller comic of the same name, just like goddamn Sin City. Obvi, Sin City is directed by good ole Robby Rodrig, as is Planet Terror. With original scoring by the man himself. Clearly, Taranino's unique style and music choice is evident in his movies. Wow, I really forgot where i was going with all of this. I thought I had a better point to make.

In any case - Planet Terror was way better than Death Proof. Although, the ending of Death Proof was pretty hilarious, the plot and ridiculousness of Planet Terror was waaaay more awesome. Now I'm gonna finish reading Torts, watch the rest of Kill Bill vol. 1, pop in vol. 2, then watch Sin City if there is time and i hope that there is because I want to watch 6 movies today.

If i remember my rant, ill repost...

23 November 2007


Thanksgiving went well. The fam came over and we had a delectable dinner that was made up of a crazy amount of food that got eaten for the most part. Dessert was to die for, and everyone got along pretty well. Jeff and Leigh actually showed up to say hello, which was nice and I finally got Laura to watch Arrested Development, superawesome.

Today I'm doing laundry, working on my Outlining, and watching movies.

Coming home was good, i like being able to see the sky. But i miss my hustle and bustle.

Watching: King Kong

18 November 2007

Techno-Nerd Moment - You've been warned!

I'm thinking about switching to Linux.

why? honestly, i dont really know. but im tired of Microsoft. my computer is running super slow, i dont feel like learning how to manipulate XP and would rather learn how to use an OS that wants me to play with it. Plus this computer came with an inordinate number of useless programs. So the plan is to learn Linux, maybe turn my comp into a dual boot so I can get some practice using Linux without abandoning XP then during the christmas break make the ultimate switch over. This means i need to get an external HD so i can transfer all of my shit back and forth. I just need to make sure my iPod will be compatible after the fact and that I dont lose photoshop. Although, i think CS3 is out, so i need to upgrade anyway.

I'm very excited about this prospect. My dimly lit companion has been aching for some practice. I think that line only makes sense if you've seen/read Dexter. Dex's Dark passenger is his name for the urge, desire, to kill. my dimly lit companion just wants to nerd out and roll dice all the time.

I have to pick a Linux build and start playing with it. I do think I'll have to dual boot for a while and partition. if i just wiped everything and started anew id never figure anything out. but ill have to configure my wireless and shit. thats my biggest concern. I have somewhere around four million programs that control my wireless card, so i dont know which one is necessary. I have a Toshiba program, ConfigFree, and the Windows Wireless Manager. Admittedly, the WWM should be the only one i need, but since Microsoft likes to rape you mercilessly, i could see my computer crashing if i tried to remove one of the others. hopefully, i wont run into this issue with linux.

This has been a move ive wanted to do for a while now, i wish i had done it when Scaduto told me he had made the switch since then i could have used his expertise, but now i must go it alone.


Ahh, that was nice. Well, today is going well. I've got half of my Torts readings done, I have another 30 pages to read, then its onto Civil procedure. Then i will be cleaning/packing and baking pumpkin bars. I need to call brooklyn and see if they want to come for Perishables Potluck tomorrow night. If they do, i need to go buy dishes. But i want to get rid of some pork and chicken before i go home and i have eggs and milk that need to be disposed of as well. If nothing else, I'll make Kyle dinner and we can sit and bitch for a while.

Going home in two days sounds pretty good, neh? I have to start outlining and studying for finals but there's no reason i cant have a little fun. (Read: This weekend is gonna be a shitshow.) Maggie and John are coming to thanksgiving dinner, so thats me, shano, mom, fred, tilly, maggie, john, maybe bill (yuk). Thats an 8 person dinner. THEN dessert with the fam. Maybe I'll bake some stuff. Yeah, ill get mom to let me do the dessert baking, that will be awesome. it will be lavish and decadent. Red velvet cake and gourmet cookies. Brendan is not gonna know what to do with me...

Dessert with the Fam is always interesting. Freddy and Irene and Lorraine will probably show up. Katie definitely is, and i hope Mark comes too, although after last year's embarassment i dont know if that shit is gonna work (for those of you out of the loop - mom got hella faced and said to Mark and Shano; "if you two weren't cousins, you'd be fuck buddies"). its doubtful that any of the other boys will come, but Colleenie beanie may come, which would be awesome. on top of all of this, I have the friend factor - bdan, jess, lauradora, and the dalpe boys, plus anyone else thrown into the mix. And, of course, LilSis and FaveSis. So there is a very large potential for a substantial gathering of people at 482.

there is moderate excitement brewing today. I also just finished my cafe au lait with a shot... is it bad i want to walk back down to the bean and get another one??
yes, amy, it is

back to torts. see you kids in h2o soon.

17 November 2007

Hello Rabid Readers

Yikes! Its been a few days since i've updated... ok, here's the scoopification.

Imma be home tuesday around 4pm. Brendonious Maximus is gonna pick up yours truly. woot.

also, today i cleaned my apartment... not my room though, thats tomorrow's task since im going to pack at the same time, and i dont feel like doing that yet. the bathroom is all shiny and clean and free of soapyness. the kitchen is reorganized and switched up. i moved my fridge all by myself AND i was able to set up the table so we can put the microwave on it, so i finally got it off the floor. but now we have a huge empty space so i think i might get one of those sidebars from the antique shack on houston. but ill need to get some people together to help me carry it. i do really like this new set up, its giving me way more counterspace to work with, especially since im planning on making pumpkin bars tomorrow for pre-thanksgiving goodness - and snacks in torts because i <3 my torts section.

09 November 2007

this weekend:

writing a research memo
reading harry potter
playing guitar hero.

sleep. glorious sleep.

06 November 2007

an old draft i forgot to publish...

Today I:

-Got all dressed up for school! I looked totally awesome.
-Tried to participate in CivPro, but didn't get called on.
-Went to a lunch my CivPro Professor was speaking at and talked to him about taking one of his higher level mental disability law courses, woo and yay. This all started when he mentioned a book i read for psychopathology and apparently teaches it in MDL, so woo, taking that class.
-Barely sat through torts. i was too busy trying to DL Dexter.
-came home, pwn3d my oral presentation. im going to get up early-ish and condense my notes.
-watched 2-ish episodes of Arrested Development
-watched 4 episodes of The Pretender
-watched 2 episodes of Dexter
(for a while there, it was like i was back in the boys papasan)
-made a tasty dinner of cheeseburger and fries
-I baked a cake! From scratch. Yellow cake, which unfortunately came out a little dry, with chocolate cream cheese frosting. i was making it because i had a craving, and now that its almost two, im not eating it. i will most likely be bringing it to brooklyn tomorrow night to eat while getting drunk with brother and playing risk/halblerns

i have to study for this research final AND edit Haasie McHaasenstein's book. And hang out with the section.

have i mentioned that I <3 C section> because I do. they all rock.

03 November 2007

Running Riot!

there may be a spiderman 4.
im actually upset.

also - im in the library clearly updating my blog, not completing research OR reading Civil Procedure OR reading Contracts OR reading Torts OR studying for my research final, which is friday, OR editing Haasie McHaasensteins book.

really, i just want to go back home, put on my pajamas and play kingdom hearts. but no, i have to do research on New York General Obligations Law §5-326: Agreements exempting pools, gymnasiums, places of public amusement or recreation and similar establishments from liability for negligence void and unenforceable in order to determine if this Horse Show is a recreational or instructional facility. Does it sound tedious and boring? Well, it should, because it is. I wish i could hide on 4 and do work, but you cant have snacks there so im on 7 doing too much e-research and getting hella bored and distracted. I've only found two really good cases - and thats only because one cites the other. I need 4-5 to write a good memo and I have a presentation due on it on tuesday. I can fudge another 3-4 but they're not really on point, none of them deal with riding facilities but similar issues have arisen...

anyway. i should get back to work on this shit. its already taken me far too long to get my act together and i have a bunch of other work i want to accomplish before the library closes at 10 tonight.

29 October 2007

I really feel like listening to typing noises

i find the clicking of a keyboard oddly soothing. my favorite part of class, and this will show you how riveting i find class sometimes, is when the room is dead silent, then the professor says something important and 75 people all start typing at once. its such a beautiful sound i want to stand and clap and weep with joy! but i do not, because then everyone will thing im more crazy than i already am.

today has been a good day so far. I might be going to Chicago over break to visit Baron von Fishenstein, i dressed like a growed up today and i said something fairly intelligent in class today that prompted melissa to say that levine did not give me enough credit for it. which was nice, i needed the ego boost.

so this weekend - i basically lived at Don, Emily, and Eric's... DEE's, Brooklyn's, or some derivative thereof. I went over on thursday to watch the big game two, we found this sweet little bar on 5th and 6th in BK that had some super comfy chairs and a big screen tv and delicious beer (i drank Captain Lawrence the whole time I was there... and as a shout out to home, all I could think of was "Larry! I mean, Father Kessenich!"). Then i ended up sleeping over because it was soooo late. Then friday i went to class, bought a blonde wig, took a massive 5 hour nap, then went back to brooklyn and Eric made us dinner and I made banananananana bread. We also played copious amounts of Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Saturday found me staying in Brooklyn all day because of the heinous weather... and more ultimate alliance, broken up by an hour of Arrested Development, then GAME 3!! Sunday I went home. After Eric made french toast and i watched clueless. I had the full intention of not going back to brooklyn because I had to do a hella ton of work. However, I read my civil procedure work in about half the time i had alloted, so BACK TO THE BK for game 4. I brought torts to read and almost started crying about a bazillion times because of what we're reading, which i will describe... now

so in torts we're reading about wrongful birth, conception, and life cases. and I read this one case called Greco v United States in which a mother is suing a government hospital for a doctor failing to diagnose, in utero, her child as having a severe birth defect. The tenet of the case is that the mother would have aborted the child had she been told about the defect, and as such is suing for damages suffered as a cause of the pre-natal care, birth, and subsequent care of her broken baby. Essentially she is arguing that since there is no return policy on broken babies, someone should pay her to keep it. One of the biggest issues with a wrongful birth claim is that, essentially, the plaintiffs are trying to argue that the baby would have been better off not being born. The same goes with wrongful life - it is an action brought by a child who was born defective, because of a doctor's failure to diagnose a defect, that essentially argues that the child would have been better off not being born, that were it not for the negligence of the doctor's diagnoses, he or she would not exist. it was incredibly sad. wednesday we're talking about the case. i hope i can hold it together.

tuesday's coming, did you bring a jacket?

halloween is wednesday - i might be going to MOTHERFUCKER! which will be awesome. see previous posts for costume ideas.

i also got two songs with 5 stars on Hard on Guitar hero today. and i have a pretty bitchen legal memo written that is due tomorrow morning. im going to play some more gutar hero... then maybe go to be earlyish. or watch a mooooooooooooovie.


PS: Uh, yeah, go sox. i cant fucking believe i got to see two world series championships when some were not even lucky enough to get one. i wish i was going to see the parade tomorrow, along with papelbon's dancing and the murphy's playing for him, but alas, ill have to catch the pics and recaps on the Boston News channels internets.

Gets My Cauldron All Stirred Up

Blonde: Don't you think getting fucked by Harry Potter's wand would be hot, because it's like an extension of himself?
Butch girl: Oh my god, I've been thinking about wand-fucking for like six months!

--Bethune & Greenwich

Overheard by: Never Forever



then i sweah ill write a real one, ive just been super busy

1) Weekend was spent sleeping on Brooklyn's couch, it was a nice break from the city
3) Halloween costume: I have a short, blonde, curly wig and two (maybe three) options

USO Show Girl: I have an army dress, boots, and the wig. All I need is a hat.
Shirley Temple: I have the short dress, the tap shoes, and the wig. I need bobby socks
Goldilocks: I have a gingham dress, sneakers, and the wig. I need Brooklyn to be the Three Bears

ps: i really like how i look as a blonde.

20 October 2007


I really haven't kept up with writing like i wanted to. Ah, well, such is the life of a 1L. I've been busting my bottom working and prepping for class, so can you really blame me for not wanting to sit in front of my computer more than is necessary?

I went food shopping in the rain yesterday and carried waaaay too many groceries back alone, HOWEVER! My kitchen is busting at the seams with edible goodies, so I shouldn't have to buy food at school for a fair few weeks, thus ultimately saving myself some precious buckarinos. I made some pork and sweet potato stew yesterday and so i have lunch/dinner for a few days. Its actually quite scrumptious. I dont think i added enough pork though, they didnt have the exact kind of meat i needed (1 lb of boneless shoulder) and so i had to get the next best thing (3.5 lb of boned shoulder) and carve off what i approximated to be 1 lb. The next thing i need for my kitchen, aside from plates, is a nice knife set. If i had the money, I'd just buy a set off of eric, but those damned cut-co knives are very expensive, so i'll have to make a kmart trip and hope to not spend more than $30 on a decent set of knives. A "carving" knife, does not carve raw meat and a paring knife does not work well to cut yams. neither do steak knives. despite the horrific lack of equipment and the fact that i neglected to pick up dried apples for the recipe, the stew was just what i needed after a rainy Friday that was kinda boring. I didnt go anywhere and sat around my apartment drinking alone (which is sort of becoming the new thing to do), playing guitar hero, and watching arrested development.

i basically have no roommate anymore, since she has been spending all of her time at the library/at will's apartment. this has its ups and downs. i like that i can keep the apartment relatively clean, do whatever i want, keep my own hours, and enjoy my solitude that i need relatively often. but it does get lonely when there is no one to talk to and i can't exactly spend all my time in brooklyn - i haven't actually spent any time there for a week or so now... this week has been sort of socially isolating. except for when i went to dave and busters with mel and raff... but that was on tuesday...

ive become hopelessly addicted to guitar hero. i can almost always finish a medium song with 5 stars now... its almost boring now... i just have to work harder at being good at the hard level because its way more challenging and interesting.

i woke up at like 1130 today. i havent done anything except sit on my floor and dick around on the internet. i have to finish reading civil procedure and start studying for my torts midterm. i also need to eat and i want to work on the webcomic that has recently fallen by the way side since ive had too much other shit to take care of.

i am also either covered in mosquito bites OR having another outbreak of hives. i hope its mosquito bites. i think its mosquito bites, hives usually itch and burn, then go away. these have been here for a few days and dont hurt.

god im hungry. is it too early to get drunk?

08 October 2007

as a side note

today is going to be rough.
up all night coughing
vague sleep of weirdness after taking some vastly expired tussin
mildly lucid dreams. drifting from light sleep to moderate consciousness...
and now caffeine. delicious caffeine.

eating is probably a good idea...
so is a nap at 4pm when i get home from class. i just need to make it through the next 6.5 hours without letting anyone know there are elves living in my socks.

good luck!

07 October 2007

i am in no mood!

so another beautiful sunday is wasted indoors reading for torts and civil procedure. i am currently on the seventh floor of the mendik law library at the New York Law School... its frozen. the room i am currently taking over has no windows, except for the small sliver of glass in the door. through it i can barely make out the glimmer of sunlight barely leaking in through the drawn venetian blinds. i know its 74 degrees outside and sunny, but only because the internet tells me... also i left a few hours ago to get a sub. but i have been reading torts for three hours. i have torts to type for another few, then i get a break from torts and i have the joy of reading civil procedure until the library closes. i'm not allowed to go home until im ready for civPro because i do not want to carry my book home, so i am attempting to get all of my work done so that i may leave my book in the locker i have in the basement of the school. i also want to know my contracts midterm grade, but it is not yet posted.

i made a ringtone today from Robot Parade by They Might Be Giants.

i also need to get all of tuesday's work done too because i want to go to the darkroom with bamfily and lil bro on monday night.

enough of this blogging. torts beckons with its pointy finger of doom while civpro cackles gently behind it. they know i have no choice but to follow and the duo takes obvious glee in my pain. but i will not scream, cry, or even whimper, i will not give them the satisfaction.

i do believe insanity becomes me.

Now playing: Thelonious Monk - Oska T.
via FoxyTunes

05 October 2007

I think I may have earned my NYC merit badge today...

Today I woke up with the full intention of getting things done EARLY!
However, I looked at my Google calendar and saw that there was a 1pm general meeting for the NYLS artist's collective. This was the first one, so i was definitely going. I put my epic laundry plans on hold and began my trek to school. The walk was relatively uneventful and i got to school at 1250. HOWEVER because its a bunch of artists and the school is generally deserted by 1pm on Fridays, no meeting happened... i think i was the only one there, no one was even in the collective's office... so i left.

On my way home i decided to do a little shopping since i FINALLY got my refund check from school and had a little money to burn. I got this nice little top from some Tellos-esque store and a sweet new studded belt from one of the side of the road peoples on Canal Street for $5 (i saw the EXACT same belt in Yellow Rat Bastard for $15 and it would EASILY go for $30 at Newbury Comics). I almost went and bought some new yarn at the yarn store that is 2 blocks from my apartment but i decided against it.

Once I returned from my shopping spree, where i almost punched several people in the head for walking slowly OR stopping dead in their tracks - I thought "fucking tourist" no less than 10 times walking home - i did laundry! I hadn't done laundry for nearly a month AND i washed sheets and towels today, so that was a nearly 3 hour ordeal, but now i have deliciously clean clothes, bed, and towels so a shower is going to be AMAZING! I also got new body wash, face wash, and deodorant so in a very short period of time there will be no one as dope as me, because i'll be so fresh, so clean clean. anyone? anyone? yeah i thought so...

im supposed to be going to this tonight
with little brother and bamfily. it looks like it will be INSANE. i guess this means i should start drink-drink-drinking...

and shower...


04 October 2007

my desperately nerdy confession for the day

I siriusly almost cried at the end of Arrested Development.

Not because it was sad, but because I knew nothing more would be coming. But it did tie everything together very nicely.

Anyway, rather than study for contracts, i watched 7 episodes of 'resty.

i think i might have to study now, since i drank about half a pot of coffee...

02 October 2007

This was an actual e-mail correspondance between a student in my section and my contracts professor...

Sgt. Student Douchebag:

I am concerned that in such a large classroom and in a multiple choice exam, many students will be tempted to involve themselves in a little sharing. I bother you with this because it would be extremely unfair to have most students, who prepared themselves tirelessly and honestly, compete against group efforts. I understood that you will not be supervising the exam but will the supervisor or supervisors be strict and bold enough to call out potential cheaters and not allow students to wear caps or will they be passive and turn a blind eye to cheating-like behavior??

Professor Haas:

This is an excellent question that I suspect many have been thinking. If you're caught cheating, you'll be kicked out of school and lose your $40,000. There's no appeal. If THAT'S not enough incentive not to cheat, you should know that there are two forms of the exam. Same questions, but Forms A and B arrange them differently. So, go ahead and glance at your neighbors paper. Lol Next, the proctors will be watching the room. They routinely check the bathrooms in case someone has accidentally left their notes/outlines in the stalls. As for "hats," leave them at home because you can't wear them during the exam.

Bring yourself, your number two pencils and, if you want, a simple calculator with no significant memory.

I'll be sending around the exam instructions tomorrow so that you don't have to spend time during the exam reading them.

Awesome, right? Who, at this stage of the game, explicitly needs to ask this question? Sgt. Student Douchebag, that's who. We have our theories as to who wrote this e-mail and they have been mocked mercilessly. There is debate on whether or not a Facebook group needs to be started in retaliation but this is retarded. RETARDED. i want to stab someone in the jaw.

30 September 2007

Despite the Lametards and Bro(sefinas) Last Night Was One of the Best

Last night was Boys Night Out.
Emily is in DC right now with her fam and so Don, Eric, Hummer, and I raided NYC. Only not so much. We tried to go to Rififi's but the line was mad long, so we went to Lit, and it was sorta lamesauce and bro'd out, then we tried the Darkroom and it too was full of bros and brosefinas. HOWEVER, despite these things, I had an awesome time for the following reasons:

-OJ and raspberry vodka (this may be the new replacement for Vodka Crans)
-Soul Calibur II with real people
-A new little brother named Don
-Toasing to Beijing Cafe and its G-Gau
-Cities of the Future
-Eric has text messaging now
-Play fights
-Tickle fights
-The never ending search for a cheap diner at 4am
-Giant painted nipples
-3 pairs of black Cons all tied differently
-Tuesday is the New Saturday
-The acceptable girl to guy ratio before it becomes a sausage fest or a gossip circle
-Fisting (also included here is ass fisting with lube)
-Getting Reamed
-Piggy back rides
-See through white dresses
-Hummer's re-enactment of how to play with HUGE boobs
-Dancing like an assclown
-Mocking "The Notebook"

There are quite possibly more but that's all I can remember.
So today I will be getting pots and pans and my knitting then going to the library to study contracts for about a thousand hours since I have a midterm coming up on Thursday. I also desperately need to do CivPro because I have it for the first time in two weeks on Monday. I've read everything but I need to brief it and take some notes. And I have a paper due on Tuesday which I should probably get to work on at some point as well. Its not difficult, just a Legal Proof, but its mad tedious.

I should get some crap accomplished fairly soon - like eat and get some caffeine in my body. Maybe smoke a smiggarette... yeah, I've kinda started smoking spiggies again, its gross, but I only have one per day if that many. Usually, I roll one and it lasts two or three days since I only ever take one or two puffs off of it.

OH! And I started a webcomic. You have to click on it to make it bigger so you can actually read it. Its not hilarious but if you have a working knowledge of the legal system and dungeons and dragons it will make some sense and you'll chuckle appreciatively.

Much Love

Now playing: The Vandals - Join Us For Pong
via FoxyTunes

27 September 2007

Im talkative today!

today i was on deck. it went swell.


tomorrow, research and professional development. then i think ill go to the library and do civil procedure for a few hours in lieu of taking my 6 hour friday nap. this weekend is going to be filled with civil procedure and studying for my contracts midterm.

if anyone is actually reading this, i suggest you try out Pandora as listed on the right there. its pretty amazing. you make radio stations based on artists or songs and it plays new artists/songs based on the "genetic make-up" of the song.

for example, on my Vandals radio station, pandora played E Dagger by Lagwagon because it has hard rock roots, punk influences, a subtle use of vocal harmony, mild rhythmic syncopation and extensive vamping.

ooh, magical!

you can also give the system feed back, tell it what you like versus what you dont. its a thumbs up/down system. if you dont like it, it automatically changes to the next song. it saves your thumb preferences so you can edit them later in case you make a mistake or change your mind - and you can bookmark songs for easy purchase later as well as display favorites on things like your blog... hmm... --->

i use it while studying in the library because im not distracted to sing along but i know i will enjoy the music. its nifty.

so now that ive really blogged (umm, spell check knows blogged is a word, but doesn't recognize umm and hmm) i should go and read 1984. i really want to finish it and read something else. i have dune right now but i really want to read banned books for this week! was dune banned? are people anti-dune? does it encourage children to sit stoically and make people hallucinate with heat and dehydration? perhaps teenagers let their friends jump over them in their modern sand racer buggies! yes yes! down with the dune! Burn it, burn the demon text!!


tomorrow is friday. i need to JUMP AROUND!!
and be silly.
very silly. :)

I have this little thingy though. its very nice to look at during class. it helps control the silly. but you need this to play with it too.

there is a real way to actually post this image with permission but i cant find it on the website anymore so if for some reason Drew finds his way to my website, im sorry!

Now playing: Descendents - Doghouse
via FoxyTunes

25 September 2007

Oh no, this post has LiveJournal written all over it

yeah, emo moment today.
small pear of despit.

set me back an hour and a half. an hour and a half of contracts.
this means an hour and a half tomorrow after legal writing where i should be doing Torts for Wednesday and starting Thursdays on deck assignment spent finishing contracts. this means a potential hour and a half of Halo lost so I can adequately prepare for class.

my week is not revolving around being on deck, like it should. its revolving around being able to play 12+ hours of Halo with Don. someone get my priorities in order for me.

also: i made brownies. the brownies i tried to make for the outtakes that resulted in my slicing through the top of my thumb. this time, no slicing. just delicious. AND i made frosting. this is all for the dinner party that will be leading up to, ultimately, Halo. if don can get the game tomorrow. otherwise, all bets are off, i go home and do contracts after eating a delicious dinner. but seriously. halo. halo 3. tomorrow. well, now if you're a giant nerd who has picked up their copy at a midnight release party. but who would wait in an endless line at midnight for the conclusion a pop culture series? who does this Master Chief think he is, Harry Potter?

speaking of Harry Potter - in case I needed an excuse to justify rereading the 7th installment... that i waiting in line for at midnight... for two hours. after being in harvard square for 7... anyway. its banned books week from 29 sept - 6 oct. so im going to do my part and read Harry Potter 7 (even though it wasnt challenged this year - but is one of the most challenged books of the 21st century), the Catcher in the Rye (which was FINALLY not on the list this year - although it too is one of the most challenged), and I'll finish 1984 before the weekend, hopefully. Google is doing this cool thing with its GoogleBooks engine, check it out Explore Banned Books. Not all of the books are full texts (if any) but you can get some neat info on the banned books.

well, now that ive wasted more time NOT doing contracts. i should go waste MORE time and read 1984 and go to sleep. only to wake up and start this sick cycle carousel all over again.


23 September 2007

hey kids

ah another crazy weekend in enycee comes to a close

i got to see marygrace today. it was swell. she, sofizzle and i went to a diner near penn station and hung out for an hour. then i took the train downtown to the library and worked for a few hours. i wish i had gotten more done though. i thought i was going to a barbeque and left all of my contracts stuff at school but i ended up NOT going so i was lazy and did nothing once i got back from the library. but im pretty ready for tomorrow AND i dont have civpro still, so im going to get up earlyish and go sit in the library or something tomorrow after i go to the supermarket. brooklyn is having a dinner party tuesday night and im going to make brownies in the one pan that I have. these are actually the brownies that i tried to cook for the outtakes one fateful night and ended up cutting the tip of my thumb off... so hopefully we wont have a repeat performance of that little incident.

i went sort of crazy and started making things. out of paper clips.

like that thing. it was supposed to be a bit more in scale and have more petals but i kind of stabbed myself in the face. and my hands got really tired of bending and squeezing my pliers.

I also made you a video message!


20 September 2007

A quick insight into my personality and a plug for Mr. Diego

ColorQuiz.comAmy took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test!

"Wants to make a favorable impression and be regard..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

Don has a show at the Gotham Comedy Club this friday at 630pm. Exceptional.

Also I know this guy!

I'm also a certified Legal Observer for the NLG so I can go to protests and make sure the cops are not doing illegal things to people. Hooray!

Much Heart!

06 September 2007

The Sun Online - News: Shemare's nightmare over

The Sun Online - News: Shemare's nightmare over

Ok, this is just completely crazy!

hermaphrodite ponies named Amy?

stay tuned for more awkward updates as i learn how to use the interwebs...

so much for updating often...

here's what i did today in lieu of reading.

Paranoid Personality Disorder:Moderate
Schizoid Personality Disorder:Moderate
Schizotypal Personality Disorder:Very High
Antisocial Personality Disorder:Low
Borderline Personality Disorder:Moderate
Histrionic Personality Disorder:High
Narcissistic Personality Disorder:High
Avoidant Personality Disorder:High
Dependent Personality Disorder:Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:High

-- Take the Personality Disorder Test --
-- Personality Disorder Info --

also, i'm addicted to StumbleUpon

27 August 2007

Toothpaste For Dinner - "The most addictive comic on the web"

Toothpaste For Dinner - "The most addictive comic on the web"

yeah, just in case you haven't heard about the most amazing webcomic ever - here it is.


its hilarious. read all 1500. i'm superserial.

here's a preview.

toothpaste for dinner

toothpaste for dinner

22 August 2007

just a quick one

im wholeheartedly procrastinating right now.

tomorrow is the first official day of law school, i still have nearly 30 pages to read for torts - all of which is in the case book, so that means 30 pages of cases, which means 30 pages to brief.

plus i've listened to nothing but The Decemberists and Death Cab for Cutie today.

in conclusion:
Dear Eric, Don, and Emily,


Love and Rainbows,

19 August 2007

my brain is melting out of my ears...

oh this city. this big bag beautiful city. last night i went to Hoboken with svet and her friends from jersey and it was a pretty awesome time. it started with tequila shots here, tequila shots at this house party (and a cape coddah), then more tequila and cape coddahs at Black Bear, this bar on the main stretch of HoBo. whilst at the bar, i had the pleasure of being hit on by a not-so-bad looking dude named Sanford who bought me what would ultimately become my 3rd cape coddah of the night and i was criticized for making him order such a girly drink. unfortunately, i was totally dressed like slut sauce (its what i get for letting svet influence my style) and he was caught off guard by my insane theater skillz - namely in the sound and light department. Ultimately this resulted in him getting my number on his slick little iPhone and me maybe getting a free dinner out of the whole thing.

the major issue here: i can't really remember if he was attractive. shallow and vain i know, but when your interaction with someone is contained entirely in a dark, loud bar and you're already 5 tequila shots and 2 cape coddahs in the bag, your perceptions of the situation become a bit skewed. svet also acknowledged that it was dark and couldn't back me up on the aesthetics question.

on top of all of this there is the consideration of the situation i left in boston that will soon be arriving in new york. my own desire to see that to fruition greatly outweighs the passing interest i have in a boy who buys me a drink and has a sweet phone.

so now the major question: what do i do when/if he calls? should i go out to dinner or just let this one slide and try again later, when other situations have been sorted out?

le sigh - last night svet said i had better get used to it, its what happens to attractive chicks. if thats the case, i need to buck up and get better at rejecting people...

ah well, enough of a break. now its time to brief some cases.

16 August 2007


I've been working non-stop since I got here, briefing cases and reading like a fiend. If only it was as interesting as Harry Potter. I'm having a mini-middle school dance party and thinking about trying to rebrief these two cases, Lindh v. Surman and Poirier v. Raad. Both of them concern a dispute about who is the rightful owner of an engagement ring... ooh, exciting. And I have to make a flow chart about the laws of engagement ring return... If only Whose Monet? or my Torts chapter were more interesting...

Svet and I went and got some tasty sushi for dinner tonight at this little place around the corner. We have an exceptional array of restaurants at our disposal around here, as well as convenience stores filled with beers. There is this pretty sweet sushi place we want to go to soon - if we can afford it. Its called NINJA New York and apparently a ninja flips out of somewhere and takes you down this elevator into the secret subterranean ninja castle where you get really super pissed and eat Frisbees... i mean you have a lovely dinner of raw fish and seaweed.

Anyway, i went food shopping today and bought organic crap from Whole Foods, so i'll be eating fake healthy for a while at least.

I need to stop procrastinating and get stuff done... or just keep drinking beer, but its only Thursday and I have one more class to get through this week... plus i forgot that I loved playing Tony Hawk's American Wasteland so there is another awesome time wasting distraction for me, aside from The Impossible Quiz.

Also, THIS is hilarious. Thanks Tifa!

14 August 2007

So it begins

tomorrow is the first day of law school. i almost cannot believe it. i've been working toward this goal for many many years and now its finally arrived. but I can't help but feel a moderate sense of longing for home right now. today it really hit me - i'm 209 miles away from everything i've known for the last 22 years. but its a grand adventure that I'm setting out on and its going to be awesome.

today was a lazy day - i read on the giant terrace for hours and hung out with Svet, her cousin Mike, the Volcano, and the Wii (so much for my decrease in smoking and increase in productivity) but it was a nice "last day of freedom" kind of thing. I didnt leave the apartment all day, which was really bad, especially since I didn't get to buy shampoo and such like i wanted to. But there will be time for that on my way home from school tomorrow.

tomorrow's schedule consists of orientations, lunch, and one intro class so it doesnt look too taxing but i dont really know.

my brain is so off right now - im supposed to be looking over the case for tomorrows class so I can answer questions in case i'm called on, which may very well happen.

yikes, ive already wasted too much time, i wanted to go to bed early tonight...