27 August 2007

Toothpaste For Dinner - "The most addictive comic on the web"

Toothpaste For Dinner - "The most addictive comic on the web"

yeah, just in case you haven't heard about the most amazing webcomic ever - here it is.


its hilarious. read all 1500. i'm superserial.

here's a preview.

toothpaste for dinner

toothpaste for dinner

22 August 2007

just a quick one

im wholeheartedly procrastinating right now.

tomorrow is the first official day of law school, i still have nearly 30 pages to read for torts - all of which is in the case book, so that means 30 pages of cases, which means 30 pages to brief.

plus i've listened to nothing but The Decemberists and Death Cab for Cutie today.

in conclusion:
Dear Eric, Don, and Emily,


Love and Rainbows,

19 August 2007

my brain is melting out of my ears...

oh this city. this big bag beautiful city. last night i went to Hoboken with svet and her friends from jersey and it was a pretty awesome time. it started with tequila shots here, tequila shots at this house party (and a cape coddah), then more tequila and cape coddahs at Black Bear, this bar on the main stretch of HoBo. whilst at the bar, i had the pleasure of being hit on by a not-so-bad looking dude named Sanford who bought me what would ultimately become my 3rd cape coddah of the night and i was criticized for making him order such a girly drink. unfortunately, i was totally dressed like slut sauce (its what i get for letting svet influence my style) and he was caught off guard by my insane theater skillz - namely in the sound and light department. Ultimately this resulted in him getting my number on his slick little iPhone and me maybe getting a free dinner out of the whole thing.

the major issue here: i can't really remember if he was attractive. shallow and vain i know, but when your interaction with someone is contained entirely in a dark, loud bar and you're already 5 tequila shots and 2 cape coddahs in the bag, your perceptions of the situation become a bit skewed. svet also acknowledged that it was dark and couldn't back me up on the aesthetics question.

on top of all of this there is the consideration of the situation i left in boston that will soon be arriving in new york. my own desire to see that to fruition greatly outweighs the passing interest i have in a boy who buys me a drink and has a sweet phone.

so now the major question: what do i do when/if he calls? should i go out to dinner or just let this one slide and try again later, when other situations have been sorted out?

le sigh - last night svet said i had better get used to it, its what happens to attractive chicks. if thats the case, i need to buck up and get better at rejecting people...

ah well, enough of a break. now its time to brief some cases.

16 August 2007


I've been working non-stop since I got here, briefing cases and reading like a fiend. If only it was as interesting as Harry Potter. I'm having a mini-middle school dance party and thinking about trying to rebrief these two cases, Lindh v. Surman and Poirier v. Raad. Both of them concern a dispute about who is the rightful owner of an engagement ring... ooh, exciting. And I have to make a flow chart about the laws of engagement ring return... If only Whose Monet? or my Torts chapter were more interesting...

Svet and I went and got some tasty sushi for dinner tonight at this little place around the corner. We have an exceptional array of restaurants at our disposal around here, as well as convenience stores filled with beers. There is this pretty sweet sushi place we want to go to soon - if we can afford it. Its called NINJA New York and apparently a ninja flips out of somewhere and takes you down this elevator into the secret subterranean ninja castle where you get really super pissed and eat Frisbees... i mean you have a lovely dinner of raw fish and seaweed.

Anyway, i went food shopping today and bought organic crap from Whole Foods, so i'll be eating fake healthy for a while at least.

I need to stop procrastinating and get stuff done... or just keep drinking beer, but its only Thursday and I have one more class to get through this week... plus i forgot that I loved playing Tony Hawk's American Wasteland so there is another awesome time wasting distraction for me, aside from The Impossible Quiz.

Also, THIS is hilarious. Thanks Tifa!

14 August 2007

So it begins

tomorrow is the first day of law school. i almost cannot believe it. i've been working toward this goal for many many years and now its finally arrived. but I can't help but feel a moderate sense of longing for home right now. today it really hit me - i'm 209 miles away from everything i've known for the last 22 years. but its a grand adventure that I'm setting out on and its going to be awesome.

today was a lazy day - i read on the giant terrace for hours and hung out with Svet, her cousin Mike, the Volcano, and the Wii (so much for my decrease in smoking and increase in productivity) but it was a nice "last day of freedom" kind of thing. I didnt leave the apartment all day, which was really bad, especially since I didn't get to buy shampoo and such like i wanted to. But there will be time for that on my way home from school tomorrow.

tomorrow's schedule consists of orientations, lunch, and one intro class so it doesnt look too taxing but i dont really know.

my brain is so off right now - im supposed to be looking over the case for tomorrows class so I can answer questions in case i'm called on, which may very well happen.

yikes, ive already wasted too much time, i wanted to go to bed early tonight...