29 December 2007


So we all know I am completely insane. I was cleaning up after coming back to NYC and found something I did during finals week while I wasn't studying.

Have fun, figure it out.
I added some stuff when i was re-writing it for the internet. I have it on paper and copied it for posting purposes. Because I am on vacation and have time to waste thats why.

Now to pop Guitar Hero III's cherry.


16 December 2007

As this semester comes to a close...

I'm totally slacking off. I've done two torts hypos today. I'm thinking about doing one more before I pack it in for the night and finish reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for the 2nd time. No, I was not a heinous blubbering mess this time around, but I did get misty eyed during the deaths. I almost had the single emo tear for Fred though (and if you don't already know what happens, go fuck yourself. Its been almost 5 months and if you truly cared, you would have already read the book).

Aside from that, I feel like I should work through another torts problem. I've just been outlining my answers, not writing full blown essays, and I've been pretty spot on in most places. I left one or two things out of the second one I did because we didn't cover intentional torts, which this question asked about, and I neglected to say NONFEASANCE because i kind of assumed it was included in my use of Duty to Control and Duty to Protect which are exceptions to the no duty under nonfeasance rule, but Levine wants us to say those things, so I might as well oblige.

Well, i think I'll go play some guitar hero, work through another problem, eat a snack, then finish up HP and go to sleep.

Done in 2
Fish in 3
Home in 5-6

10 December 2007

1 down

2 to go.

My contracts final went swimmingly today - I totally kicked ass. My damages questions had some slightly funky math, but I think I got MOST of the points. YES!

I get to chill out, play some guitar hero, maybe read some Harry Potter. Then its time to study for Civil Procedure. Its totally like taking my O.W.L.s. Yeah, I just, as a 22-year-old law student, equated my final exams to a fictional test in a children's book series, wanna fight about it?

yeah, i didnt think so.


i mean, would you expect any less of me??

i totally treated myself to mcdonalds today too. i feel like a happy fatty.

i also want to knitknitknit the scarf i posted about yesterday. I want to finish it before the week is over so i can bust out the backer for it... if i was lazy, and i might just be, i may wander on down to canal street and buy some fleece for the backer, which would be the titties. super warm scarf!

time for 5 stars on Stop as made famous by Jane's Addiction on HARD, then some ass kicking on EXPERT on some of the earlier songs, then moving on to some insanely hard songs on HARD...

or i could watch any of the movies i downloaded yesterday and knit for two hours... this latter option seems more appealing, since it will frustrate me much much less...

09 December 2007

Holy Shit!! Look at What I Learned to Do Today While Studying for Contracts

Whoa! I can knit argyle now. If I was to be crazy (i mean crazier), i could have knitted in those little dashy lines that are supposed to be there, but im going to add it in with a duplicate stitch when its all done, just because its going to be MUCH MUCH EASIER than trying to knit 1-3 tiny stitches every other row in intarsia.

yay!! I think i may almost be ready to move onto much more difficult pattern knitting... such as ron weasley's animal cracker hat from PoA - the Movie.

I need to knit a back for this scarf though, its a little too thin to be effective and i dont want to risk snagging any of the little crossover pieces and bust up the pattern...

PS: a very VERY special person is getting this for christmas. but i wont say who, but they deserve something this awesome.


I entered a contest at deviantArt. They were asking for submissions for their Sweeney Todd Movie Poster contest... so i made one...

First prize is a wireless bluetooth wacom tablet. then some iPod, then a wireless mouse.

08 December 2007

The Movie Game!

Yay, so here's the idea: I started this a little while ago but stopped for some reason. Six degreesing all of my movies, updated as the day goes on... and into the future!!

Movie Title - Actor Link(s) to Next Movie
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy - Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story - Gary Cole, Stephen Root
Office Space - Diedrich Bader
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - George Carlin
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure - Keanu Reeves
The Matrix - Hugo Weaving
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - Ian McKellen
X2: X-Men United - Brian Cox
The Ring - Naomi Watts
I <3 Huckabees - Jason Schwartzman

I'm about to hit a wall with the connections i think... I'm not sure where to go after x2. I'm sure ill think of something tomorrow...

On a shitty note reading contracts is giving me ulcers, im on the verge of a panic attack and fuckin tears if i read it for an hour straight... but once i stop and do something awesome, like update this blog, watch some of my movie, or eat i feel like a thousand times better, except for when i realize that i am wasting time not studying, then the panic and anxiety settles back in and i have to get back to studying and the anxiety only increases until i stop again and the sick cycle repeats itself.

fuckin finals week sucks my ass. i need it to be December 18th at 10pm so i can go and play fuckin risk and get obliterated with don.

enough of this jibba-jabba i need to continue to be productive...

07 December 2007




that is all.

see you in like four million years