29 April 2009


So I made Feijoda two weeks ago.

Meat Prep

Pot Full of Meat

End Product with Collard Greens and Rice

So yeah, Feijoada. It's the official dish of Brazil, I guess. It came out pretty good and we still have a bunch in the fridge... even after giving away about 1/3 of the leftovers.

06 April 2009

When Life Hands Me Lemons, I Make Beef Stew

I made stew tonight for the first time! It came out pretty decently, I must say. I really should have cut up some potatoes but the fact that this is the most TENDER FRIGGIN STEW BEEF EVER makes up for that oversight. CHECK IT!

I followed this recipe from Food Network. I didn't have any Worcestershire Sauce so I substituted a tablespoon of soy sauce and some cayenne pepper and it came out pretty decent. Also: No cornstarch, so I had to substitute twice as much flour.

I should have picked up some crusty rolls while I was at Food World but oh well.

Epic Feast this week. Maybe I'll remember to take pictures and write about it.