29 October 2007

I really feel like listening to typing noises

i find the clicking of a keyboard oddly soothing. my favorite part of class, and this will show you how riveting i find class sometimes, is when the room is dead silent, then the professor says something important and 75 people all start typing at once. its such a beautiful sound i want to stand and clap and weep with joy! but i do not, because then everyone will thing im more crazy than i already am.

today has been a good day so far. I might be going to Chicago over break to visit Baron von Fishenstein, i dressed like a growed up today and i said something fairly intelligent in class today that prompted melissa to say that levine did not give me enough credit for it. which was nice, i needed the ego boost.

so this weekend - i basically lived at Don, Emily, and Eric's... DEE's, Brooklyn's, or some derivative thereof. I went over on thursday to watch the big game two, we found this sweet little bar on 5th and 6th in BK that had some super comfy chairs and a big screen tv and delicious beer (i drank Captain Lawrence the whole time I was there... and as a shout out to home, all I could think of was "Larry! I mean, Father Kessenich!"). Then i ended up sleeping over because it was soooo late. Then friday i went to class, bought a blonde wig, took a massive 5 hour nap, then went back to brooklyn and Eric made us dinner and I made banananananana bread. We also played copious amounts of Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Saturday found me staying in Brooklyn all day because of the heinous weather... and more ultimate alliance, broken up by an hour of Arrested Development, then GAME 3!! Sunday I went home. After Eric made french toast and i watched clueless. I had the full intention of not going back to brooklyn because I had to do a hella ton of work. However, I read my civil procedure work in about half the time i had alloted, so BACK TO THE BK for game 4. I brought torts to read and almost started crying about a bazillion times because of what we're reading, which i will describe... now

so in torts we're reading about wrongful birth, conception, and life cases. and I read this one case called Greco v United States in which a mother is suing a government hospital for a doctor failing to diagnose, in utero, her child as having a severe birth defect. The tenet of the case is that the mother would have aborted the child had she been told about the defect, and as such is suing for damages suffered as a cause of the pre-natal care, birth, and subsequent care of her broken baby. Essentially she is arguing that since there is no return policy on broken babies, someone should pay her to keep it. One of the biggest issues with a wrongful birth claim is that, essentially, the plaintiffs are trying to argue that the baby would have been better off not being born. The same goes with wrongful life - it is an action brought by a child who was born defective, because of a doctor's failure to diagnose a defect, that essentially argues that the child would have been better off not being born, that were it not for the negligence of the doctor's diagnoses, he or she would not exist. it was incredibly sad. wednesday we're talking about the case. i hope i can hold it together.

tuesday's coming, did you bring a jacket?

halloween is wednesday - i might be going to MOTHERFUCKER! which will be awesome. see previous posts for costume ideas.

i also got two songs with 5 stars on Hard on Guitar hero today. and i have a pretty bitchen legal memo written that is due tomorrow morning. im going to play some more gutar hero... then maybe go to be earlyish. or watch a mooooooooooooovie.


PS: Uh, yeah, go sox. i cant fucking believe i got to see two world series championships when some were not even lucky enough to get one. i wish i was going to see the parade tomorrow, along with papelbon's dancing and the murphy's playing for him, but alas, ill have to catch the pics and recaps on the Boston News channels internets.

Gets My Cauldron All Stirred Up

Blonde: Don't you think getting fucked by Harry Potter's wand would be hot, because it's like an extension of himself?
Butch girl: Oh my god, I've been thinking about wand-fucking for like six months!

--Bethune & Greenwich

Overheard by: Never Forever



then i sweah ill write a real one, ive just been super busy

1) Weekend was spent sleeping on Brooklyn's couch, it was a nice break from the city
3) Halloween costume: I have a short, blonde, curly wig and two (maybe three) options

USO Show Girl: I have an army dress, boots, and the wig. All I need is a hat.
Shirley Temple: I have the short dress, the tap shoes, and the wig. I need bobby socks
Goldilocks: I have a gingham dress, sneakers, and the wig. I need Brooklyn to be the Three Bears

ps: i really like how i look as a blonde.

20 October 2007


I really haven't kept up with writing like i wanted to. Ah, well, such is the life of a 1L. I've been busting my bottom working and prepping for class, so can you really blame me for not wanting to sit in front of my computer more than is necessary?

I went food shopping in the rain yesterday and carried waaaay too many groceries back alone, HOWEVER! My kitchen is busting at the seams with edible goodies, so I shouldn't have to buy food at school for a fair few weeks, thus ultimately saving myself some precious buckarinos. I made some pork and sweet potato stew yesterday and so i have lunch/dinner for a few days. Its actually quite scrumptious. I dont think i added enough pork though, they didnt have the exact kind of meat i needed (1 lb of boneless shoulder) and so i had to get the next best thing (3.5 lb of boned shoulder) and carve off what i approximated to be 1 lb. The next thing i need for my kitchen, aside from plates, is a nice knife set. If i had the money, I'd just buy a set off of eric, but those damned cut-co knives are very expensive, so i'll have to make a kmart trip and hope to not spend more than $30 on a decent set of knives. A "carving" knife, does not carve raw meat and a paring knife does not work well to cut yams. neither do steak knives. despite the horrific lack of equipment and the fact that i neglected to pick up dried apples for the recipe, the stew was just what i needed after a rainy Friday that was kinda boring. I didnt go anywhere and sat around my apartment drinking alone (which is sort of becoming the new thing to do), playing guitar hero, and watching arrested development.

i basically have no roommate anymore, since she has been spending all of her time at the library/at will's apartment. this has its ups and downs. i like that i can keep the apartment relatively clean, do whatever i want, keep my own hours, and enjoy my solitude that i need relatively often. but it does get lonely when there is no one to talk to and i can't exactly spend all my time in brooklyn - i haven't actually spent any time there for a week or so now... this week has been sort of socially isolating. except for when i went to dave and busters with mel and raff... but that was on tuesday...

ive become hopelessly addicted to guitar hero. i can almost always finish a medium song with 5 stars now... its almost boring now... i just have to work harder at being good at the hard level because its way more challenging and interesting.

i woke up at like 1130 today. i havent done anything except sit on my floor and dick around on the internet. i have to finish reading civil procedure and start studying for my torts midterm. i also need to eat and i want to work on the webcomic that has recently fallen by the way side since ive had too much other shit to take care of.

i am also either covered in mosquito bites OR having another outbreak of hives. i hope its mosquito bites. i think its mosquito bites, hives usually itch and burn, then go away. these have been here for a few days and dont hurt.

god im hungry. is it too early to get drunk?

08 October 2007

as a side note

today is going to be rough.
up all night coughing
vague sleep of weirdness after taking some vastly expired tussin
mildly lucid dreams. drifting from light sleep to moderate consciousness...
and now caffeine. delicious caffeine.

eating is probably a good idea...
so is a nap at 4pm when i get home from class. i just need to make it through the next 6.5 hours without letting anyone know there are elves living in my socks.

good luck!

07 October 2007

i am in no mood!

so another beautiful sunday is wasted indoors reading for torts and civil procedure. i am currently on the seventh floor of the mendik law library at the New York Law School... its frozen. the room i am currently taking over has no windows, except for the small sliver of glass in the door. through it i can barely make out the glimmer of sunlight barely leaking in through the drawn venetian blinds. i know its 74 degrees outside and sunny, but only because the internet tells me... also i left a few hours ago to get a sub. but i have been reading torts for three hours. i have torts to type for another few, then i get a break from torts and i have the joy of reading civil procedure until the library closes. i'm not allowed to go home until im ready for civPro because i do not want to carry my book home, so i am attempting to get all of my work done so that i may leave my book in the locker i have in the basement of the school. i also want to know my contracts midterm grade, but it is not yet posted.

i made a ringtone today from Robot Parade by They Might Be Giants.

i also need to get all of tuesday's work done too because i want to go to the darkroom with bamfily and lil bro on monday night.

enough of this blogging. torts beckons with its pointy finger of doom while civpro cackles gently behind it. they know i have no choice but to follow and the duo takes obvious glee in my pain. but i will not scream, cry, or even whimper, i will not give them the satisfaction.

i do believe insanity becomes me.

Now playing: Thelonious Monk - Oska T.
via FoxyTunes

05 October 2007

I think I may have earned my NYC merit badge today...

Today I woke up with the full intention of getting things done EARLY!
However, I looked at my Google calendar and saw that there was a 1pm general meeting for the NYLS artist's collective. This was the first one, so i was definitely going. I put my epic laundry plans on hold and began my trek to school. The walk was relatively uneventful and i got to school at 1250. HOWEVER because its a bunch of artists and the school is generally deserted by 1pm on Fridays, no meeting happened... i think i was the only one there, no one was even in the collective's office... so i left.

On my way home i decided to do a little shopping since i FINALLY got my refund check from school and had a little money to burn. I got this nice little top from some Tellos-esque store and a sweet new studded belt from one of the side of the road peoples on Canal Street for $5 (i saw the EXACT same belt in Yellow Rat Bastard for $15 and it would EASILY go for $30 at Newbury Comics). I almost went and bought some new yarn at the yarn store that is 2 blocks from my apartment but i decided against it.

Once I returned from my shopping spree, where i almost punched several people in the head for walking slowly OR stopping dead in their tracks - I thought "fucking tourist" no less than 10 times walking home - i did laundry! I hadn't done laundry for nearly a month AND i washed sheets and towels today, so that was a nearly 3 hour ordeal, but now i have deliciously clean clothes, bed, and towels so a shower is going to be AMAZING! I also got new body wash, face wash, and deodorant so in a very short period of time there will be no one as dope as me, because i'll be so fresh, so clean clean. anyone? anyone? yeah i thought so...

im supposed to be going to this tonight
with little brother and bamfily. it looks like it will be INSANE. i guess this means i should start drink-drink-drinking...

and shower...


04 October 2007

my desperately nerdy confession for the day

I siriusly almost cried at the end of Arrested Development.

Not because it was sad, but because I knew nothing more would be coming. But it did tie everything together very nicely.

Anyway, rather than study for contracts, i watched 7 episodes of 'resty.

i think i might have to study now, since i drank about half a pot of coffee...

02 October 2007

This was an actual e-mail correspondance between a student in my section and my contracts professor...

Sgt. Student Douchebag:

I am concerned that in such a large classroom and in a multiple choice exam, many students will be tempted to involve themselves in a little sharing. I bother you with this because it would be extremely unfair to have most students, who prepared themselves tirelessly and honestly, compete against group efforts. I understood that you will not be supervising the exam but will the supervisor or supervisors be strict and bold enough to call out potential cheaters and not allow students to wear caps or will they be passive and turn a blind eye to cheating-like behavior??

Professor Haas:

This is an excellent question that I suspect many have been thinking. If you're caught cheating, you'll be kicked out of school and lose your $40,000. There's no appeal. If THAT'S not enough incentive not to cheat, you should know that there are two forms of the exam. Same questions, but Forms A and B arrange them differently. So, go ahead and glance at your neighbors paper. Lol Next, the proctors will be watching the room. They routinely check the bathrooms in case someone has accidentally left their notes/outlines in the stalls. As for "hats," leave them at home because you can't wear them during the exam.

Bring yourself, your number two pencils and, if you want, a simple calculator with no significant memory.

I'll be sending around the exam instructions tomorrow so that you don't have to spend time during the exam reading them.

Awesome, right? Who, at this stage of the game, explicitly needs to ask this question? Sgt. Student Douchebag, that's who. We have our theories as to who wrote this e-mail and they have been mocked mercilessly. There is debate on whether or not a Facebook group needs to be started in retaliation but this is retarded. RETARDED. i want to stab someone in the jaw.