30 September 2007

Despite the Lametards and Bro(sefinas) Last Night Was One of the Best

Last night was Boys Night Out.
Emily is in DC right now with her fam and so Don, Eric, Hummer, and I raided NYC. Only not so much. We tried to go to Rififi's but the line was mad long, so we went to Lit, and it was sorta lamesauce and bro'd out, then we tried the Darkroom and it too was full of bros and brosefinas. HOWEVER, despite these things, I had an awesome time for the following reasons:

-OJ and raspberry vodka (this may be the new replacement for Vodka Crans)
-Soul Calibur II with real people
-A new little brother named Don
-Toasing to Beijing Cafe and its G-Gau
-Cities of the Future
-Eric has text messaging now
-Play fights
-Tickle fights
-The never ending search for a cheap diner at 4am
-Giant painted nipples
-3 pairs of black Cons all tied differently
-Tuesday is the New Saturday
-The acceptable girl to guy ratio before it becomes a sausage fest or a gossip circle
-Fisting (also included here is ass fisting with lube)
-Getting Reamed
-Piggy back rides
-See through white dresses
-Hummer's re-enactment of how to play with HUGE boobs
-Dancing like an assclown
-Mocking "The Notebook"

There are quite possibly more but that's all I can remember.
So today I will be getting pots and pans and my knitting then going to the library to study contracts for about a thousand hours since I have a midterm coming up on Thursday. I also desperately need to do CivPro because I have it for the first time in two weeks on Monday. I've read everything but I need to brief it and take some notes. And I have a paper due on Tuesday which I should probably get to work on at some point as well. Its not difficult, just a Legal Proof, but its mad tedious.

I should get some crap accomplished fairly soon - like eat and get some caffeine in my body. Maybe smoke a smiggarette... yeah, I've kinda started smoking spiggies again, its gross, but I only have one per day if that many. Usually, I roll one and it lasts two or three days since I only ever take one or two puffs off of it.

OH! And I started a webcomic. You have to click on it to make it bigger so you can actually read it. Its not hilarious but if you have a working knowledge of the legal system and dungeons and dragons it will make some sense and you'll chuckle appreciatively.

Much Love

Now playing: The Vandals - Join Us For Pong
via FoxyTunes

27 September 2007

Im talkative today!

today i was on deck. it went swell.


tomorrow, research and professional development. then i think ill go to the library and do civil procedure for a few hours in lieu of taking my 6 hour friday nap. this weekend is going to be filled with civil procedure and studying for my contracts midterm.

if anyone is actually reading this, i suggest you try out Pandora as listed on the right there. its pretty amazing. you make radio stations based on artists or songs and it plays new artists/songs based on the "genetic make-up" of the song.

for example, on my Vandals radio station, pandora played E Dagger by Lagwagon because it has hard rock roots, punk influences, a subtle use of vocal harmony, mild rhythmic syncopation and extensive vamping.

ooh, magical!

you can also give the system feed back, tell it what you like versus what you dont. its a thumbs up/down system. if you dont like it, it automatically changes to the next song. it saves your thumb preferences so you can edit them later in case you make a mistake or change your mind - and you can bookmark songs for easy purchase later as well as display favorites on things like your blog... hmm... --->

i use it while studying in the library because im not distracted to sing along but i know i will enjoy the music. its nifty.

so now that ive really blogged (umm, spell check knows blogged is a word, but doesn't recognize umm and hmm) i should go and read 1984. i really want to finish it and read something else. i have dune right now but i really want to read banned books for this week! was dune banned? are people anti-dune? does it encourage children to sit stoically and make people hallucinate with heat and dehydration? perhaps teenagers let their friends jump over them in their modern sand racer buggies! yes yes! down with the dune! Burn it, burn the demon text!!


tomorrow is friday. i need to JUMP AROUND!!
and be silly.
very silly. :)

I have this little thingy though. its very nice to look at during class. it helps control the silly. but you need this to play with it too.

there is a real way to actually post this image with permission but i cant find it on the website anymore so if for some reason Drew finds his way to my website, im sorry!

Now playing: Descendents - Doghouse
via FoxyTunes

25 September 2007

Oh no, this post has LiveJournal written all over it

yeah, emo moment today.
small pear of despit.

set me back an hour and a half. an hour and a half of contracts.
this means an hour and a half tomorrow after legal writing where i should be doing Torts for Wednesday and starting Thursdays on deck assignment spent finishing contracts. this means a potential hour and a half of Halo lost so I can adequately prepare for class.

my week is not revolving around being on deck, like it should. its revolving around being able to play 12+ hours of Halo with Don. someone get my priorities in order for me.

also: i made brownies. the brownies i tried to make for the outtakes that resulted in my slicing through the top of my thumb. this time, no slicing. just delicious. AND i made frosting. this is all for the dinner party that will be leading up to, ultimately, Halo. if don can get the game tomorrow. otherwise, all bets are off, i go home and do contracts after eating a delicious dinner. but seriously. halo. halo 3. tomorrow. well, now if you're a giant nerd who has picked up their copy at a midnight release party. but who would wait in an endless line at midnight for the conclusion a pop culture series? who does this Master Chief think he is, Harry Potter?

speaking of Harry Potter - in case I needed an excuse to justify rereading the 7th installment... that i waiting in line for at midnight... for two hours. after being in harvard square for 7... anyway. its banned books week from 29 sept - 6 oct. so im going to do my part and read Harry Potter 7 (even though it wasnt challenged this year - but is one of the most challenged books of the 21st century), the Catcher in the Rye (which was FINALLY not on the list this year - although it too is one of the most challenged), and I'll finish 1984 before the weekend, hopefully. Google is doing this cool thing with its GoogleBooks engine, check it out Explore Banned Books. Not all of the books are full texts (if any) but you can get some neat info on the banned books.

well, now that ive wasted more time NOT doing contracts. i should go waste MORE time and read 1984 and go to sleep. only to wake up and start this sick cycle carousel all over again.


23 September 2007

hey kids

ah another crazy weekend in enycee comes to a close

i got to see marygrace today. it was swell. she, sofizzle and i went to a diner near penn station and hung out for an hour. then i took the train downtown to the library and worked for a few hours. i wish i had gotten more done though. i thought i was going to a barbeque and left all of my contracts stuff at school but i ended up NOT going so i was lazy and did nothing once i got back from the library. but im pretty ready for tomorrow AND i dont have civpro still, so im going to get up earlyish and go sit in the library or something tomorrow after i go to the supermarket. brooklyn is having a dinner party tuesday night and im going to make brownies in the one pan that I have. these are actually the brownies that i tried to cook for the outtakes one fateful night and ended up cutting the tip of my thumb off... so hopefully we wont have a repeat performance of that little incident.

i went sort of crazy and started making things. out of paper clips.

like that thing. it was supposed to be a bit more in scale and have more petals but i kind of stabbed myself in the face. and my hands got really tired of bending and squeezing my pliers.

I also made you a video message!


20 September 2007

A quick insight into my personality and a plug for Mr. Diego

ColorQuiz.comAmy took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test!

"Wants to make a favorable impression and be regard..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

Don has a show at the Gotham Comedy Club this friday at 630pm. Exceptional.

Also I know this guy!

I'm also a certified Legal Observer for the NLG so I can go to protests and make sure the cops are not doing illegal things to people. Hooray!

Much Heart!

06 September 2007

The Sun Online - News: Shemare's nightmare over

The Sun Online - News: Shemare's nightmare over

Ok, this is just completely crazy!

hermaphrodite ponies named Amy?

stay tuned for more awkward updates as i learn how to use the interwebs...

so much for updating often...

here's what i did today in lieu of reading.

Paranoid Personality Disorder:Moderate
Schizoid Personality Disorder:Moderate
Schizotypal Personality Disorder:Very High
Antisocial Personality Disorder:Low
Borderline Personality Disorder:Moderate
Histrionic Personality Disorder:High
Narcissistic Personality Disorder:High
Avoidant Personality Disorder:High
Dependent Personality Disorder:Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:High

-- Take the Personality Disorder Test --
-- Personality Disorder Info --

also, i'm addicted to StumbleUpon